Terrapin Report

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The Nature of Air

Economic & Bio-Inspired Perspectives on Indoor Air Quality Management


Poor indoor air quality diminishes cognitive functioning. For employers, reduced work task performance translates into a lower return on their investment in employees. Indoor air quality management remains an industry challenge as efforts to improve air quality, and subsequent occupant wellness, often come at the expense of energy performance. Insights from atmospheric cleaning mechanisms have spurred the development of air purifying technology to realign air quality management with the fundamental processes found in nature. Doing so allows for better management of pollutants and helps to decouple air quality with the amount of air brought in from outside.


Dakota Walker – Terrapin Bright Green

Bill Browning – Terrapin Bright Green


The authors would like to thank Georgina Davis for conceptual development and research, Catie Ryan for editorial guidance, and AtmosAir Solutions for sponsoring this effort. The opinions and conclusions in this report are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor.


Terrapin Report

The Nature of Air

Economic & Bio-Inspired Perspectives on Indoor Air Quality Management

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