Rebecca Macies Selected for Urban Green’s Membership Committee


Rebecca Macies Selected for Urban Green’s Membership Committee

Terrapin’s Rebecca Macies was selected for Urban Green Council’s 2017 Membership Committee. The Membership Committee assists Urban Green Council in increasing membership and member participation in UGC events. Rebecca brings her unique background in environmental policy and economics, as well as her experience in community outreach and engagement, to the position. We look forward to another great year of Urban Green’s programming and events in 2017.

Urban Green Council is the New York affiliate of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Their mission is to transform NYC buildings for a sustainable future. They believe the critical issue facing the world today is climate change. Their focus on climate change requires them to focus on energy and other resource management. As energy and other resource management improves, we can deliver a more resilient, efficient, healthy and affordable city.

To see the full list of Urban Green Council’s Monthly Programs, Membership, and Emerging Professionals Committees, see the announcement here.

Allison Bernett is an associate project manager and the public relations coordinator for Terrapin Bright Green. She graduated summa cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis with a double major in architecture and biology. Allison’s interests focus on architecture, sustainability, and bioinspired innovation.